When corruption tries to rig the scales, Lady Justice prepares to deliver her Final Verdict!

Fight your way through crooked goons of all different weights and sizes in this physics-based hack and slash!  Use heavy and light attacks to tip the scales one way or the other: heavy swings build your weight to knock enemies further, while light sword slashes fuel your speed!  Decide the fate of your foes and watch as Justice's scales weigh your choices, and charge up powerful Ultimate attacks!


Movement: WSAD

Attacks: Light - Up Arrow / Heavy - Down Arrow

Ultimates: Light - Q  /  Heavy - E

Dash: Space

Also supports GamePad!


Schmungus Games

Programming: Ben Lorentson, Michael Hoff, Josh Lorentson, Zack Sunell

Art : Emily Thompson, Melissa Hoff, Sarah Lorentson

Featuring the voice talents of Andrew DiMaggio

Additional Assets from:

Freesounds - Sword by Merrick079, Gavel by zerolagtime and C-Span, Cars by test_sound

OpenGameArt - Rain by Ylmir, Gameplay music by tcarisland, Menu music by Tri-Tachyon

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